Thursday, September 30, 2010

3 eFing Reasons to Choose BeautiControl

Who is BeautiControl?
BeautiControl is a beauty company that specializes in Spa treatments, Personalized skin care and Advanced Anti-aging products (SPA) through a unique at-home spa experience with an unmatched income opportunity.
Our beauty company supports more than 140,000 Independent Consultants who are building and living a life they love by sharing the opportunity, providing exclusive services, and revolutionary skin care, spa and cosmetic products with women throughout the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada.
Now you know the technical “who is BeautiControl” but do you really have enough information to know who they are?  Probably not…you probably read blah, blah, blah so as a product user and independent consultant let me show you 3 reasons what BeautiControl or BC is all about. These are 3 reasons out of many that had a huge impact on my decision to choose BC.

1. Frequent Fun for FREE
Can you ever have too much fun? I say not, if anything we as American’s need more fun in our lives. As a mother, workingwoman, and student I am always looking for ways to partake in adult fun. What better way to have fun than getting together with other women to relax, be pampered and get rejuvenated all in the privacy of your own home for the perfect price tag of FREE.
Yes I said FREE. BC consultants bring the spa to you. Enjoy time with your gal pals while indulging yourself in high quality products including anti-aging skincare and spa treatments for your face, lips, hands, feet, and relaxation for your mind. You can indulge whether you are a guest or a consultant.
2. Financial Freedom and Flexibility (can we say Money, Money, Money?)
As a BC consultant you choose your goals and dreams to achieve. This is your business. It can be your money maker full-time or just for some play cash. You can earn free trips, a brand spankin’ new Ford Mustang or use your discount to save money on products for your own use.
Scrap the idea of being in a grey, carpeted cell for 8 hours a day. Instead picture yourself in a beautiful home with 5-10 laughing, fun-having women that you get to play spa with. You get to play spa and earn up to $100 an hour. I choose the spa world not grey carpeted hell. You can too…think about what your day looks like today. Imagine.
3. Family
Family is usually numero uno for most people. As a single mother and a member of a large extended family this is absolutely true for me.  As a BC consultant I have the freedom to control my time spent working (if you can really call all that fun working). I have extra income and who doesn’t need more of that green to spend on their kiddos.
In addition to my personal family I now have a BC extended family. I am part of a team of women that truly feel like a part of my family. We have team rallies, success meetings, coaching calls, and an extra go to person to help build my business and give that extra push towards success. You can join our family too!  Read success stories  

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